Friday, January 30, 2009


So, Jerry, who were the people who most influenced you, who were your mentors and teachers? I get this question asked a lot in one form or another. I think my first mentor was Dale Carnegie, of HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE fame.
My father had all his books, and as it was my habit to read everything in sight, I quickly gobbled these up. He was so down-to-earth and folksy, and right-on with a philosophy that many talk about today as if it was something brand new.

Another powerful force in my life was Ken Keyes, Jr., author of the multi-million copy selling HANDBOOK TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. When I first met him in the 1970s in Florida, and attended a number of his Consciousness Weekend workshops, I was really impressed with his grasp of how the human mind works, and how to program it in a positive way.
I interviewed him extensively for my early book, FRIENDS: The Power and Potential Of The Company You Keep. One of the things I learned from Ken which has served me well all my life is how foolhardy it is to make a major decision when
you are emotionally upset.

Ray Bradbury has been inspiring me since I was twelve years old and read his adapted work as graphic stories in the old E.C. Comics classics like Tales From The Crypt. He is, of course, the honored author of such iconic books as Farenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles, but my favorite may be his collection of essays entitled ZEN IN THE ART OF WRITING. I first actually met Ray at the Santa Barbara Writers' Conference in 1980. When I joined the faculty of that annual event, he and I had a number of conversations. Ray is, as he approaches 90, still one of the most creative people I've ever known. He is still one of the most entertaining writers and speakers on the planet. When I talked to him at length for my book, PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY, he told me:

"I think busyness is everything--I don't care what you do as long as you're busy and as long as you love doing it. Orchestra conductors live to be 90 because they're vigorous and curious. Curiosity is another important factor--if it takes long to achieve and still offers challenges. Busyness connected to curiosity. Because you haven't learned it all. The whole thing is the fun of living!" A man who truly walks his talk.

Ray is a true Renaissance man, which always intimidates me a bit. Quite often I feel pretty good about who I am and what I have accomplished in life, several successful careers, six published books, etc. And then I think about all Ray Bradbury has done and is still doing and I feel pretty small. The same is true of the late Norman Cousins. What a mind, what a mover, shaker, and doer! Author of the bestselling ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS, Norman was the longtime editor of the prestigious Saturday Review magazine, at one time he was the youngest editor of a major U.S. magazine. He was a great writer as well as editor and strong advocate for peace. He served three U.S. Presidents as a diplomat, and was awarded the United Nations Peace Medal as well as fifty honorary doctorate degrees. We were connected in several ways. He was the cousin of Rupa Cousins, the only woman I ever considered a true soulmate, and still a precious friend (her successful businesswoman mother, Sidney Cousins, grew up with Norman and had many delightful stories about his perceptive mind). Norman and I were on the board of The Inside Edge, a support group for leaders that met weekly in Beverly Hills. And I interviewed him extensively for PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY. If you've ever heard of endorphins, Norman Cousins is probably responsible, as he first reported on the healing properities of these brain secretions in ANATOMY OF AN ILLNESS, which actually originated as an article in the New England Journal Of Medicine. He became a senior lecturer at the UCLA School of Medicine, where he promoted research into endorphins and the brain's many other secretions. He provided a bridge between traditional and holistic medicine. He certainly met Ray Bradbury's model of being vigorous and curious.

During a conversation, Norman gave me the phrase that became a mantra for the rest of my life. I asked him what he found to be a common denominator for all those happy and very successful men and women he had met and/or interviewed in his long career. Presidents, kings, CEOs, movie stars, Nobel Prize winners, humanitarians, spiritual leaders. He said, "Jerry, there is one thing they all had in common and one thing only, just about every morning they woke up with robust expectations." That was it, "robust expectations"--how's that for something to aspire to?

And just by concentrating on that concept, I've found I could create it throughout my life. Even in the dreary and dehumanizing Folsom State Prison. Every morning, waking up with something positive to look forward to, something to be strongly anticipated. How did you wake up this morning? Think about it.

Norman Cousins led an exciting and fulfilling life, he left his thumbprint on the world in a major way. And you know what he considered to be the worst disease? Boredom. Someone once described boredom as "hostility without passion." As I look back on all these mentors,
I can say they were rarely bored or boring. And because of their influence, my life has been far from boring and filled with robust expectations. There's material for more on mentors, I've
left out one important influence who probably will get a whole article, my friend Leo Buscaglia.
I was lucky to get to know him before he was a world famous figure of inspiration, but he was
always a mentor. And one brief fact about Leo that always amazed me: Every single time he
spoke, just talking, no exercises or demonstrations or games, just talk--every single time, the
audience at the end would break into spontaneous hugging, of Leo, of each other, a regular
lovefest as we would all get down to our basic humanity and reach out for one another. To
be continued for sure.

I hope to mentor people myself, in this amazing new healthy dark chocolate business I've gotten involved in and discuss in several earlier postings. If you'd like to explore this with me, get in touch by e-mailing me at You can also find out more and see some informative videos on the subject at the
websites of my friends and upline sponsors, Susannah Lippman at, click on Chocolate For Health, and Hope and Thom Kiah at

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


“Now is the perfect time to start a new business” I’m seeing this a lot nowadays, as we
experience the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression (you see that comment a lot, too—the truth is that much of the financial turmoil of the past 75 years hit us deeper and more broadly cut a swathe through the general economy, the actual impact on Gross National Product is tiny compared to the 1930s). But I think it is a useful mantra or affirmation to report, and it does have some basic truth in it. Forbes magazine, which is not known for flamboyance in its fiscal and business reporting says one good reason a recession is a good time for entrepreneurs is:

"Costs are low on everything from supplies to labor, and digital technologies make it easier than ever to work from home."

This is certainly true in the arena of business opportunities. But it is also a time for more due diligence as a lot of fly-by-night companies emerge trading on desperation, sowing the seeds of false hopes and unrealistic expectations.

For myself, I believe it is a great opportunity to explore new ventures, but a time when prosperity consciousness is especially valuable. In my book, MONEYLOVE, I wrote, “Every time you are broke, you are getting a priceless opportunity to use your creative imagination.” This is not just one of those statements designed to make you feel better when everything is going to hell in a handbasket. Difficult times do produce reassessment, a looking at where you’ve been, where you are, and where you might want to be going next.

It is a lot more difficult to justify being in a job or career you are not enjoying when times are tough. A healthy self-statement during today’s financial crisis might be, “If I’m not making much money anyway, I may as well explore some other options, maybe even have some fun doing something I love doing.”
Despite all the books and seminars on the subject, I think PASSION is still the most overlooked and underrated quality in
financial success.

One of the main reasons I got involved in my current activities promoting and marketing healthy dark chocolate, and writing a book about it, is it is easy for me to get passionate about the subject. I was passionate about dark chocolate before—I will always be passionate about dark chocolate, no matter how this specific business works out. What are you passionate about and how can you get involved with it in a way that you will get paid for your involvement? Here’s where that creative imagination comes in.

Maybe you too are crazy about dark chocolate (in which case, get in touch with me immediately), or maybe it’s baseball cards, or fine wines, or old bottles, or doing research on the Internet, or motorcycles, or discovering new sexual techniques from ancient writings, or inventing something, or helping people cope with some major illness, or feeding the hungry, or improving the environment, or stand-up comedy, or performing the magic act you gave up at the age of fifteen, or ballroom dancing, or finding a way to get authentic Philly cheesesteaks to the West Coast---you could probably make an even better list with a hundred things someone could get passionate about. This simple process can change your life forever! It’s all about passion, what rings your bells and lights your candles.

And here’s perhaps the most important thing I can share with you after all my years of teaching and talking and writing about success. We all have those episodes when we’re turned on, excited, swept away by something we see, hear, or experience. Well, my friend, those moments are not merely meant to be enjoyed in the moment. Those are signals from the universe (or God, if you prefer) that here is something you could be doing instead of what you’re now doing, here is something that could bring more passion, and thus more profit and satisfaction into your life.

Pay attention to passion, and understand that the more passion you are feeling about what you are doing, the more people you will passionately attract to participate in and partake of what you are offering.

Jerry Gillies

And by the way: If you are passionate about dark chocolate and would like to sample the best and healthiest, and find out more about Jerry’s prosperity team, contact him at,
Or check out the short videos his sponsoring partners have at their websites. Susannah Lippman at, under Chocolate For Health, and Hope Kiah at But only pursue this if you really
love dark chocolate and aren’t turned off by the idea of having fun making money.


"WHAT, ARE YOU CRAZY?" I've gotten this reaction on a couple of occasions, old friends or colleagues wondering whether twelve years in prison left me bereft of all common sense. Their comments usually involve asking me why, with six published self-help books under my belt, several more plus a prison memoir in the planning stage, thousands of people who say they owe their success to my books, tapes, or seminars, and all the choices I could have made on starting a new life, I decided to get involved with a company marketing healthy dark chocolate.

Serendipitous is the word that comes to mind when I am searching for an appropriate response. The word means, as you know, lucky in making fortunate and unexpected discoveries. Several situations all came together at once after my parole from Folsom at the end of last August. One of my top five desires was to taste the new brands of dark chocolate, a very
favored treat I had been deprived of during incarceration. The friend I entrusted with the task of making a list of top
brands in terms of taste was Susannah Lippman, another dark chocolate connoisseur. Once I got out on parole, we compared a lot of notes on various brands. At one point, Susannah told me she had tasted the best dark chocolate ever, and it was even supposed to be good for you, and she had gotten it from her health practitioner, a doctor of Oriental medicine. But she and
the doctor had a disagreement about the way the doctor treated another patient, a friend of Susannah's, and they were no longer in contact. A few weeks went by, and Susannah called to tell me that Hope Kiah, the woman designing her new website for her also had some of that healthy chocolate, and it involved a network marketing company.

Now Susannah and I had investigated and researched and been involved with a number of network marketing companies.
In fact, she had chaired the ethics and standards committee of the Multilevel Marketing International Association, and
written the first set of ethics and standards for the entire network marketing industry. And both of us had since sworn never to get involved with another network marketing company. My feeling was that this form of business held the promise of a
new kind of capitalism that was more people-oriented, more righteously designed. Unfortunately, almost no company came close to fulfilling that promise. Now, connected with this delicious dark chocolate, Susannah told me the company seemed to
be doing network marketing, or as they preferred describing it, "relationship marketing," in a new, more people-friendly and individually profitable way. In other words, following a lot of the financial philosophy I described in my book, MONEYLOVE.

The first step, of course, was to taste the product. Again, serendipitously, I had purchased about five different top-of-the-line dark chocolate bars, so I had the essentials to do a real taste comparison test. I won't say the XOCAI was much better than all five top-rated gourmet premium dark chocolate bars. But it was better than most of them, and as good as the top two. And it
was a lot purer, unprocessed dark chocolate, and had the highly recommended Acai berry in it.

I should note here that a number of people who have tasted Xocai do tell me it's the all-time best-tasting dark chocolate they've ever experienced. I suppose I want to err on the side of caution when it comes to taste. I am trying to do the same thing when it comes to the health benefits and the amazingly rapid results people report for all types of health issues. This new health food tastes great and does great things, but each person's experiences are not going to be evident until they start taking it.

The next serendipitous factor was that Hope Kiah, the Santa Fe website designer who introduced Susannah to the healthy dark chocolate, also was very knowledgeable about blogs, and gave me the information I would need to start my own, as well as get my own website domain name on which to feature the blog.

The next almost unbelievable fortunate "accident" was that I was chatting with my literary agent on the East coast, when
I mentioned healthy dark chocolate. He told me he loved dark chocolate, and I said I would send him some Xocai samples.
He then said something which brought it all together for me. "I think there's a successful book here, about the health benefits of dark chocolate. Can you write me a book proposal?"

Well, sometimes I have been a bit slow in picking up cues from the universe about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. But I don't need to be pounded over the head with a sledge hammer more than once to get it. Not only can I be doing the research for the health benefits of dark chocolate book, I can put together a team of successful entreprenuers who will be my partners in this healthy dark chocolate business. And if, as I believe, they become extraordinarily prosperous as a result of this, I can do a whole other book on that! Not to mention, that once I've got my business thriving, I can do a special updated MONEYLOVE report, and share it with all the XOCAI distributors. And all the while, I can be gobbling down these delicious dark chocolate squares and nuggets, and positively affecting my physical and emotional well-being. My traditional primary care physician already has told me I can cut down on my most potent heart medication, Warfarin, as my increased antioxidant intake has apparently increased my blood flow to the point that I don't need as much blood-thinning medication to prevent a stroke or heart attack.

On top of all this, I can reference, often and extensively--as I have done in the previous posting, XOCAI--NO PLACEBO FACTOR--my earlier book, PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY, in which I extensively interviewed the nation's top longevity doctors, especially about the damage caused by free radicals and how antioxidants could come to the rescue.

Everyone should have a really good reason why they do something. I have a multitude of reasons why I am doing what I
am doing right now. But I really only need one. In the opening of WORKLOVE, Chapter Two in MONEYLOVE, I say it all
in one sentence:

"The richest man in all the world is the one who has a good time earning his daily bread."

To me, this exemplifies freedom. In prison, one does the job one is assigned, and for almost no daily bread, the average pay is $18-$30 a month. So I can go on and on about serendipity and freedom and all the good reasons I am involved in eating,
sharing, and talking and writing about healthy dark chocolate. It all comes down to one thing, however--I'm having fun!

Jerry Gillies

And by the way:
If you love dark chocolate, and only if that is true, I may be interested in having you join my prosperity team in this business.
Part-time or full-time, to earn substantial income or just enough to pay for your own supply of this healthy, delicious superfood. To find out more, and see some informative short videos, contact my sponsoring partners, Susannah Lippman,
at her website, where you can check out Chocolate For Health--and Hope Kiah, at her blogsite, To get directly in touch with me, e-mail me at

Monday, January 12, 2009


I've been thinking about the "placebo effect" in connection with Xocai healthy dark chocolate and the many people who have
reported some amazing and almost unbelievably rapid health results. The operant word here is "unbelievable". Which is why
I strongly contend that the placebo effect is not a large factor in these results. There is nothing wrong with the placebo effect, in fact it probably cures more things than prescription drugs and surgery. The human mind and still largely undiscovered aspects of the immune system are wonders to behold in protecting and healing the body. If you Google "placebo effect" you will get about a million responses. It is defined as a situation in which someone's expectations of being helped by a drug or medical treatment are responsible for the success rather than the treatment itself.

In other words, if a health professional gives you something for your condition and you believe strongly enough in its
effectiveness, it will probably work whether or not it really "works" or not. What is different about dark chocolate as a
healing health food is that hardly anyone really believes it is gong to work until it does. "Chocolate lower my blood pressure?--You've got to be kidding!" "Chocolate help my diabetes?--You're nuts!" are more likely responses. So one has to assume that healthy dark chocolate works its magic in spite of the placebo effect, not because of it.

I first learned of the power of this heavily researched medical subject way back in the early days of its public awareness,
when hardly anyone had heard of the placebo effect. I wrote about it in my 1981 book, PSYCHOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY, and had discussions on the subject with my mentor and the genius who first introduced a lot of people, including doctors, to
the whole subject--Norman Cousins. He gave me what I think still stands out as a great example-case history:

"Is the mind that powerful? Can the mind actually make things happen just because it believes that they will happen? Let me give you an example. They brought about 200 medical students together. They were testing a new tranquilizer, but they also wanted to test a new stimulant. The researchers conducting the test held up a red pill, the stimulant, in front of the students, and said, 'Those of you who want to volunteer to take this new stimulant in the red capsule should know that it will give you a high. So much so, you'll have no desire to go to sleep, and also, in a certain number of cases, it will make you so stimulated that it will nauseate you--but the nausea will pass after about fifteen minuntes. You'll be able to work almost through the night and the next day you'll have no feeling of fatigue.'

Then the researchers held up the blue pill, the new tranquilizer. 'This is a super-tranquilizer,' they said, 'and as is the case with most tranquilizers, this is going to make you very lethargic, but it also will make you very forgetful. Sometimes you won't remember what you did fifteen minutes ago, or what you started out to do. If you go into the bathroom to comb your hair, you may forget why you went in there, that's how severe it is. If what you want is sleep, then this is just perfect because you'll sleep fourteen hours without any difficulty.'

The students volunteered to take these new pills. There was just one thing the researchers did that was different. They did not tell the students who volunteered for the stimulant in the red capsule that they had instead filled the red capsule with the tranquilizer. And they did not tell the students who volunteered for the tranquilizer in the blue capsule that they were actually taking the stimulant. Not only did the mind expect to be stimulated by the red pill and to have all the effects that the students were told they were going to have, it had to punch its way through the tranquilizing effects of the drug really given. And what the students expected to happen did happen. Sixty percent of the students who took the red pill thinking it was a stimulant became nauseated, became high, and did everything the mind told the body would happen, and the same thing happened with the blue pill!"

Since Norman Cousins told me that story, there have been thousands of experiments pretty much showing the same thing, that the mind creates chemical changes in the body based on expectations. I remember thinking at the time that this was wonderful, because it didn't really matter to me if the drug was working, or my mind was working, as long as I got better. In this healthy dark chocolate business, the company is very cautious about making medical or health claims. So many reports come in from people eating the chocolate and getting results, about so many conditions, it would be very difficult to catalog them anyway. And the company is supporting traditional double-blind medical studies, such as one at the University of Utah, to find out just how powerful this product is. I never tell people what the Xocai chocolate will do for them in a specific health situation. Each individual is different, and boosting their immune system will, for each of them, have individual results. I just state the simple truth that these small pieces of chocolate have more antioxidant content per gram than anything else on the planet.

And its chocolate, for goodness sake! Pure, unadulterated, delicious dark chocolate.
So it seems unlikely that the placebo effect is much of a factor in this situation, as dramatic as it can be. Most people are
surprised by their results. Some are downright shocked. The mind doesn't expect something so simple and so pleasurable
to actually work in a such a powerful way. That's part of the fun of having people try this.


And if you're ready to try Xocai healthy dark chocolate to see what happens for you, or you're interested in exploring the
monumental business opportunity involving the hottest upward trend in a downward economy, contact me at, or my upline partners, who have great short videos for you to check out. Susannah Lippman
at, with the Chocolate For Health link, or Hope Kiah, at her blog, We're still putting together our primary team to taste and share this amazing healthy dark chocolate.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


There are some of us who may be doing ourselves and our healthy dark Xocai chocolate a disservice by not truly tasting it in all its nuanced glory. While we talk about how this chocolate is eight to ten times more potent in terms of antioxidants than other gourmet dark chocolates, we sometimes neglect the fact that it is also eight to ten times tastier, more scrumptuously delicious. Opulent in its nuances and subtlties.

The first step in tasting anything fully is to cleanse the palate. In tasting fine wine or multi-course gourmet meals, unflavored water or a simple cracker is suggested. Another way to prepare your taste buds, if you have a slight appetite, is with a small serving of fruit or vegetables, or as many fine restaurants suggest and offer, a light sorbet. But this is rich dark chocolate, after all, and plain water might be your best option. In fact, you can swirl the water around in your mouth and then discreetly spit it out, as if you were at a fine wine tasting.

You are now ready for XOCAI. Remember, it is not only the health benefits that are dramatically improved with the exclusive cold-pressing process. The non-roasting, sun-drying, and nonfermenting affect the flavor, too. Richer, with more layers of sensation. You might, before even the first bite, give a thought of thanks to the Amazonian rainforest where the cacao bean originated, and to the Mayan and Aztec cultures that first cultivated and enjoyed what they considered a gift from the gods. Your experience will be enhanced if you prepare your mind as well as your taste buds. You might take a moment to remember a moment in your childhood when you had some delicious chocolate, or your first adult experience of dark chocolate. Or visualize the face of someone who once gave you a taste of very special chocolate.

It has been suggested that gourmet chocolate should always be eaten at room temperature, never chilled or frozen. But, Xocai healthy dark chocolate is different than all others, thanks to the cold-pressing and lack of additives and nonfermentation. So you might have to compare your chocolate at different temperatures and decide for yourself. But, at least initially, room temperature seems a good choice.

After you unwrap your chocolate square or nugget, feel its texture and partake of its aroma. Studies have shown that the mere scent of chocolate has an impact on the body. Don’t miss out on the pleasures of this sense. You might explore the differences between the different Xocai chocolate products. And note the color and shape and texture with your visual senses.

As you slowly prepare for your first actual taste, remember to remember. That is, realize this is more than just a momentary sensation. It is a sensual experience that can last far beyond this moment. So that you can look back months or even years from now and recollect this particular chocolate-tasting episode, letting it stand out from all others in your life.

Weigh the chocolate with your mouth and tongue. Note the texture, note the first actual tinge of flavor. What creates the distinction of a great dark chocolate are the multiple flavors, each unfolding as you slowly allow it to melt in your mouth. You might, before popping the whole piece inside your mouth, just bite off a tiny corner so as to tease your taste buds.
See how many varied layers of taste sensation you can identify. Realize that this is an intricate process, and it is unlikely you will notice all the delights of your Xocai chocolate the first, second, or even fifth time you taste it.

As you swirl the piece of dark chocolate around in your mouth, notice the juices formed, and as you bite into it, how it comes apart in your mouth. And as you swallow it, pay attention to how it coats your mouth with its richness. There is a reason the Mayans and Aztecs considered the eating of chocolate a sacred experience. You have the power to recreate that exceptional taste adventure.

Jerry Gillies

And by the way: I realize there are some readers who have never tasted Xocai healthy dark chocolate and are wondering how they can get some. Assuming, of course, that you love dark chocolate and are ready to move up to the purer, more delicious, and a lot healthier form. Just get in touch with me to find out how to get a free sample.
You can also find out more from my partners in this fun enterprise, Hope and Thom Kiah, at, and
Susannah Lippman, at her subliminal tape website, (check out the link, Chocolate For Health). You can also
experience a few short videos on Xocai on these sites, and at Enjoy, savor, appreciate!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I’m pretty persistent, and I don’t often take “no” for an answer…but in looking at the
way I operate my life, especially now that I’ve, to my mind-boggling surprise, reentered the network marketing arena, I realize something else is true. While I may not take “no” for an answer, I almost always accept WHOA! for an answer. At least for a while.

You see, I have learned that we each operate at our own pace, and best serve ourselves and others when allowed to do so. The “whoa”s I hear most often involve people who need time to digest the information, have some major obstacles in their lives they have to deal with, let their preconceived notions get in the way of what it’s really all about, or
Just haven’t gotten my vision of the whole thing—which I accept the responsibility for in terms of mis-articulation (did I just invent a new word here?). There’s a whole picture, for instance, of how this healthy dark chocolate business is going to change lives, that just popped into my head. I don’t pretend to understand the process, but it has happened to me before. It’s the way I wrote MONEYLOVE in three weeks, sometimes not even knowing where the ideas were coming from. Looking back at my books, I am often surprised at what I said and even what I knew at the time. I can’t really ever expect someone else to get my whole vision—their minds are filled with their own visions, which never are going to duplicate mine.

One of the things I visualize, for instance, is my book on healthy dark chocolate interesting a lot of people in the business aspect of this, and my listing the names of some of my original associates/partners in the business, so readers can get directly in touch with them to join. This might produce an unbelievable set of numbers. Especially if we approach even 10% of the two million MONEYLOVE readers, even 1% would make a major impact. But this is future speculation on my part—I have no idea how the book will be received, or if logistically this will work. So I don’t mention it as I sponsor someone new, I’d rather deal with what is happening right now.

One of the people I have been most optimistic about in terms of her future success in the healthy dark chocolate business sent me an e-mail today. One sentence stands out, and I have her permission to share it:

Now, dear Jerry, I hear your frustration with me and I understand where you are coming from but you gotta be more patient. It has been barely ten days since our first contact and you don't even know all of what is going on in my life.

Whoa, that’s a “Whoa” message if I’ve ever heard one, and so right on. Of course I don’t know all of what is going on in her life. First of all, she hasn’t told me, secondly, there is no way, no matter how much she shared, I would know everything that was going on. We sometimes buy into the myth that we can know all there is to know about another human being, or that someone else can know all about us. But this is never possible. We spend a lifetime just trying to know and understand ourselves. So when someone says, “No, Whoa, I am not ready yet,” unless I think they’re an idiot, an unaware dolt, someone completely lacking in self-awareness, I have to accept them at their word.

The Merriam-Webster definition of “whoa” is “a command to stand still.” The second
definition is, “cease or slow a course of action or a line of thought. Pause to consider or reconsider.”

Oh, I don’t promise not to get frustrated or impatient. The more magnificent the person is, the more I will have invested in wanting to enroll them in whatever project we’re discussing. But I will put more attention on just stopping for a while when I hear that “Whoa.” This prosperity buggy won’t go no further until it hears “Giddyup!”

Jerry Gillies

And by the way: I am taking my time looking for a few people ready to say, “Giddyup!”
Ideally, I want someone who adores dark chocolate, is looking for extra income and/or
powerful health benefits, wants to have fun making money, would like to be a part of the
research for my next bestseller, and would like to be part of the dream headline: BROKE AND IN PRISON MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER AND SELF-HELP AUTHOR GUIDES HIMSELF AND A TEAM OF DARK CHOCOLATE LOVERS TO MILLIONS! For some short videos on the Xocai opportunity, check in with my upline sponsors, Hope at, and Susannah at, with a link to Chocolate For Health. Or contact me directly at

Thursday, January 8, 2009


My first thought about this posting as I sit down to think it through on my computer is it's going to piss some people off.
Or at least discomfort and knock some people off balance. That is not my intention, but as I sat in my cell in Folsom State Prison, I often thought about this period--my first year of freedom. And I made a decision that, no matter what else I
accomplished in my new life, I would make a commitment to be completely honest, to tell the truth even when it didn't seem to serve me, to avoid even those little white lies most of us tell in order to spare other people's feelings or avoid embarrassment or inconvenience.

One part of this, and famously a part of most twelve step recovery programs, is to confess past lies. As I think back on it, in this brand new year, one of the worst lies I told back before my original legal problems involving overseas investments was to the investors. I told them everything was O.K. that we were just experiencing a temporary delay in getting our money back.
(I say "our money" because the truth is I lost more money than any other single person in these investments--and that was
only because I was stupid enough to invest more than anyone else--and if I could have gone after myself and sued myself
for stupidity, I would have done so.) Of course, I could parse this and say it wasn't so much a lie as wishful thinking on my
part. I was certainly lying to myself at the time. And I kept repeating this lie. In fact, here's a truth I never told anyone before,
when I was facing eighteen months in federal prison for those investment schemes, one of the main harebrained reasons I
came up with my ridiculous scheme to steal a motorhome and run away was to try and recoup those losses in order to pay
the investors back. I thought I could not afford an eighteen month prison hiatus, that long a delay in trying to either recover the money or earn a replacement amount.

While my federal case was pending, I kept up my futile hope the money would be coming back to the U.S. I was promised that it would be put into an escrow account in the highly respected Barings Bank in England. You may remember that Barings notoriously failed in 1995, when a lower management type named Nick Leeson, finagled some junk bonds out of Singapore and lost a couple of billion dollars of the bank's money, or rather the bank depositors' money. Leeson had nothing to do with the investment deal I involved myself and a number of others in, but he may have had a lot to do with the money being lost
forever. And even then, I refused to tell myself or anyone else the truth.

Through this period, I was not thinking very clearly, was not even aware of a lot going on, certainly was not doing due diligence on behalf of the people who trusted me with their faith and their money. I lied whenever I reassured them all was going to turn out alright--but that was also the biggest lie I told myself. One of the things I was not really aware of during that time was the fact that I was not writing or speaking, my two main activities for most of my professional life.
I was living in a commune in Northern California, not doing much of anything, I was living a simple, inexpensive life--not
writing or speaking meant I had almost no income, and with all my assets tied up in the overseas investment scheme, I
was basically broke. This, strangely enough, kept my federal prison sentence down to a minimum, because after a couple of
years of investigations, no one could find any evidence that I had gained financially from the investment scheme. In fact there was substantial proof that I had lost more than anyone else. At the time, this provided little comfort to me or my investors.

It was only after two years in prison that I began to suspect the reason for my mental and emotional disability during this time. I never believed it was clinical depression, as the psychiatrist my public defender hired told the court during my trial.
I thought it might be what the British call a "brainstorm", a sudden breakdown of rational thought (I always found it fascinating that the two countries had such different definitions for the same word, where "brainstorm" in the U.S. means to
let the mind think freely trying to come up with solutions and new ideas.) But when my cellmate Keith, a methamphetamine addict, told me some of his symptoms and experiences, and they felt so familiar, I began to look back and realized that
in the five years prior to my arrest, I had been taking a nutritional product that was legal and thought safe, and seemed to
work perfectly, keeping my ideal weight and giving me lots of energy. The main ingredient was ephedra, which has since
come into major disrepute, and has been banned, and blamed for damaging lots of hearts. And ephedra, of course, is one of
the main ingredients in manufacturing meth. So I may as well have been doing that drug, in spite of my often self-righteous
attitude that I was somehow superior for not doing any drugs at all. Once I was in prison, my mind came out of its fog, I
began to think and create like my old self. I didn't know why this was at the time, but can now safely assume it was my
system recovering from the ephedra abuse. I still have atrial fibrillation and take a powerful blood thinner, Warfarin, on a
daily basis, for that heart condition I didn't have before using the nutritional product with ephedra. Whew! That's a lot of truth.

More truth is that I haven't completely forgiven myself for my stupidity in letting all this happen. For not realizing what was going on with my mind at the time. If I had been in a relationship during this period, or hadn't moved from Southern California where I had friends and a support system, then someone could have told me I was acting and thinking in ways that were unusual for me. But I was living among strangers, keeping mostly to myself for several years, and no one noticed anything. Most of all, I wasn't paying attention. The most serious failing of all, and one I am very purposefully focused on not repeating.

The comment I heard most often from fellow inmates and even correctional officers familiar with my case was,
"How could someone so smart do something so dumb?" This was usually followed by a laugh. It would make a great episode on America's Dumbest Criminals, me driving a motorhome down the freeway, being chased by a couple of dozen police cars.
I had to deal with truth a lot in those twelve years of incarceration. The truth about who my real friends were, for instance.
Some of the people I had supported the most in life were just not able to handle my arrest and removed themselves from
my life. And some friends I had no reason to expect anything from really came through for me. In a strange way, it sort of
balanced itself out.

This whole train of thought was prompted by some Internet advertising for self-help and business success programs.
The people, mostly men, offering some of these courses always depict themselves sitting in or standing beside their expensive cars, or on the balconies of their beachfront homes. And I realized that if I stuck to my commitment to truth, as I advertised my own ideas about success, and enroll people in this healthy dark chocolate business I am now promoting, I would have to say I am probably broker than most of the people I approach (You'll note one of my earlier postings addresses this, JERRY GILLIES IS BROKER THAN YOU RIGHT NOW). I am starting from scratch and want to build an ongoing residual income for my associates in this business, which will also lead to royalty income for myself. But one of the things that most attracted me to MXI CORP and the Xocai Chocolate business was that it is designed so that the people you get involved and sponsor under you can end up making a lot more money than you. My life and future will be just fine. I have three book projects underway, including my book on the health benefits of dark chocolate. But I am not going to tell people that I've already made a lot of money in this dark chocolate business, I just got started a little over a month ago, after careful research and the kind of investigation I used to do as an NBC business reporter. I am being very selective about who I invite to join my prosperity team. I am not sitting in my Rolls Royce as I invite them to join me. In fact, I don't own a car right now. I am just starting out, much as I did as a nineteen-year-old beginning a broadcasting career in the small town of Dover, Delaware, where I didn't know a soul. I am living in the small town of San Bruno, at least for the next year as conditions of my parole, where I also don't know a soul.

My first radio job paid me $55 a week. I expect to do better in the chocolate business. But the excitement of new
beginnings is the same. Another book I have in mind is one telling how I went from being broke and in prison to great financial success, taking some people with me.

This, by the way, was one of the ways in which I did affirmations in prison. I would visualize myself on a talk show, telling the host how I had been absolutely broke, no assets at all, in prison, and got out and made a great success of my life.
"Yes, Oprah, these are the principles and strategies that brought me from absolutely nothing to my current level of total abundance." I don't know how truthful some of these entrepreneurs are when they talk about their financial success,
a lot of prosperity gurus have ended up in bankruptcy court or worse. I know for a fact that one of the best known of these so-called prosperity teachers, a sometime friend of mine, offering a "Millionaire's Course" was in such dire straits at the time that he had to lay off most of his staff, and told me he could no longer afford to send me a book or two from for my prison reading. So I will be brutally honest while trying not to be smug about it. You'd like to join me in this dark chocolate adventure, I'll say, fine, we'll have fun and I think do very well financially together. But understand this, if you
have a car right now, and/or own your own home, you are a lot richer than me.

I just read over what I have written so far, and have a strong urge to edit it, or maybe not publish it at all. I sound like
such a loser to myself. But then I read between the lines. I know how to create prosperity, I've done it before for myself and countless others. Dozens of millionaires have approached or written me to say that MONEYLOVE inspired them or gave
them the strategies to dramatically change their lives for the better. One of the ways I failed myself and others was by not
sticking to my own rules and principles and strategies. Just one example of this, as I wrote in MONEYLOVE, in the chapter
on Prosperity Investing: "The MONEYLOVE view of investing is that you can make the most money when you invest for love rather than money." The overseas investments I got myself embroiled in were just about moving money around. They didn't have to do with anything I loved. They were much like the deals that recently brought Wall Street crashing down, no projects that improved people's lives, just money being moved from one pile to another. That is why I am so excited about putting my energy into this healthy dark chocolate business. I love dark chocolate, and have for nearly forty years. I am passionate about it. It is one of the main things I missed while spending twelve years in prison, and one of the first things I bought when I got out (the second thing, actually, as I got my first French Fries in twelve years on the train from Folsom to San Francisco). The idea of not only turning people onto a great-tasting chocolate, but one that is healthy and may produce amazing health benefits, and even extend life, and on top of that, for those interested, produce some substantial extra income, is just
exactly the breath of fresh air I need in my life.

There is one lie I have told in doing this healthy dark chocolate business. I've tried to be gentle and patient, and
when somone doesn't see the vision I see, doesn't realize how momentous it is that a delicious small square of chocolate has the highest antioxidant content in history. Or realize how amazing it is to be able, for a few hundred dollars, to get in on the ground floor of a business ready to explode as more and more people become aware of the potential, I still tell
the person I'm telling about this to take their time, study all the possibilities, go at their own most comfortable pace. But the truth is a part of me wants to yell as loud as I can, "Get off your butt, let's do this--wealth, health, and lots of fun are yours
for the asking--what in the world are you waiting for?" So, okay, maybe it's impossible to tell the whole truth to everyone
all the time. But I like it as an ideal to aim for. And if each year of our lives, we can be willing to tell more of the truth to ourselves and others, I think that's a pretty good measure of a pretty good life.
Jerry Gillies

And if you are still interested in this healthy dark chocolate opportunity after that heavy dose of truth, contact me at
You can also check out a couple of my upline team members, Hope Kiah at,
and Susannah Lippman at (go to her Chocolate For Health link). Both offer some short, informative videos on why we're so excited about this new business. I am looking for partners, not followers, and that's the truth.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The title just popped into my head as I was thinking about what I want to write at the beginning of what I am certain will
be a momentous year. I don't think it is an accident that this will be my first full year of physical freedom after twelve years in prison. I think it will be the first year of freedom for a lot of people. Freedom from old ideas, old politics, old ways of looking at our lives and the world. It's an exciting time to be alive.

And in order for it to be that kind of clean new year, we had to go through the fire of a dismal time. War, famine, poverty,
a dysfunctinal political system, all these contribute to the powerful desire for change. At the beginning of each year, I always
ask myself some questions about the year gone by and the one just starting. This year I limited it to one question--What do
I most regret not doing or saying in 2008?--and it's a two-parter--What do I intend to do about this in 2009?

I've been on this planet long enough so that almost everything reminds me of something else. My title sounds like
one of my favorite songs as a kid, Begin the Beguine by Cole Porter. We had a 78 RPM record of the orchestral version of
that song (does anyone still remember what a 78 record was? Or even a record?). And quite recently, as I started exploring the Internet, I came across what many consider the best single dance performance by a male and female dancer ever. It
is Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell dancing to Begin the Beguine. Dance experts have said it may be the most perfect dance
performance ever filmed. Eleanor Powell was fantastic, a huge movie star, when she gave it all up to marry Glenn Ford (and
as often happens, I just interrupted this posting to look up Glenn Ford--O.K., I'll admit it, I couldn't remember if he spelled
his first name with one or two "n"s. Well, on, there's a great story about Glenn, then another about his
and Eleanor Powell's son, Peter. I think I remember Glenn Ford most from his classic role as the teacher in Blackboard Jungle,
the seminal teen movie of my youth, with it's pounding theme song, Rock Around The Clock. Anyway, give yourself a treat,
check out Eleanor Powell and Fred Astaire dancing to Begin the Beguine on YouTube. It puts the performances on Dancing With The Stars to shame--it's dancing with two real stars.

And this brings me to one of those things I regret--not taking the time in the four months since my parole to do some
ballroom dancing, or take some lessons. I will do something about this in 2009. Man does not live by dark chocolate alone--
well, maybe raw foods guru David Wolfe does. I'm reading his book, NAKED CHOCOLATE, a fun and informative adventure,
and a great piece of research for my upcoming book on the health benefits of dark chocolate, DARK MIRACLE.

Which brings me to another thing I regret not doing. In marketing XOCAI chocolate it has been my practice to never
try to convince anyone, and not pursue the subject if the person doesn't already love dark chocolate, or immediatley realize
what a fantastic health food this is, or even--if they can use extra money--what a great business opportunity. I will continue
to have that policy with strangers I happen to meet and discuss this with. But with the people I love and care about, I feel I
owe it to them to persist a bit more. Think about this--if you knew about something that seemed almost certain to extend
someone's healthy lifespan, not to mention prevent and reverse certain debilitating diseases, wouldn't you want all your
friends to know about it, to know everything about it you could tell them? I would hate to think of someone suffering because
I wasn't persistent enough, or didn't present Xocai health dark chocolate in the most attractive way. And I feel good about my
decision not to make a retail profit in marketing the healthy dark chocolate to friends, and then extending that policy to everyone I tell about the chocolate.

They can get their first week's worth at my cost, or sometimes the first month's worth, but after that, if they want more, and most people do, they have to sign up for $35, buy their first two boxes, and deal directly with the company, MXI, in the future. Of course, I eventually benefit from this as their sponsor, but I also intend to work with those who want to do the
business, and to produce some of the company's top earners. I like that they have a system whereby I can sponsor people
who will eventually earn a lot more money than me. It's actually the opposite of a so-called "pyramid scheme" where the
people at the top of the pyramid earn all the big money. Here, it's the new people earning large amounts as they form the
solid base of the business. Come to think of it, General Motors, AT&T, and Microsoft are the real pyramid companies, where
the top echelon of executives make millions and the workers hopefully make a living.

I am so blessed and so thankful to have stumbled upon a vehicle for putting my long-held prosperity beliefs into practice.
I knew while I was sitting in a cell at Folsom that I wanted to devote the rest of my life to helping others--and, I have to mention--having a lot of fun and prosperity while doing so. I just had no idea it would all start happening so soon. But that's
the magic of this magical new year. Begin Your Own Begin!
Jerry Gillies

If you'd like to communicate directly with Jerry, or find out more about his XOCAI project, e-mail at
or check out the blog of one of his partners, Hope Kiah, at, or the section on Chocolate For Health at, the subliminal tape company run by his longtime friend, Susannah Lippman. And, of course, you
can find out more by simply reading more of these posts.